There has been much written about the office and function
of prophet in the past three decades. In this article I will be writing
regarding my own experience in understanding what the Bible says about the
prophetic ministry, and I will attempt to connect this to today’s world.
First of all, by prophet I am not referring to a person
who exercises the gift of prophecy as taught in 1 Corinthians 14:2-4
(consisting of general exhortations, comfort and rebuke, which everyone in the
church is encouraged to do; read 1 Corinthians 14:39). I am also not referring
to a person preaching a sermon to a congregation. I am speaking about a person
who, through much prayer, travail, and meditation in the scriptures, regularly
stands in the council and heavenly assembly of God (with the angels and other
messengers of God’s court) to hear what the Spirit is saying, so that the mind
and heart of God can be communicated to the church and nation. Examples of a
prophet standing in the council and/or court of the living God to hear His word
are found in Isaiah 6:1-9; Ezekiel 1-3,10; Jeremiah 15:19; extraordinary
examples of this can be found in the New Testament with the Apostle Paul in 2
Corinthians 12:1-12 and the Apostle John in Revelation 1:9-20 and 4:1-2.
Jeremiah 23:16-22 shows that the main distinction between
false and true prophets is that false prophets speak without being in the
council of the Lord and, hence, utter words without ever being sent by God.
David Chilton says the following about prophets in his
book The Days of Vengeance:
“The prophets not only observed the deliberations of the
heavenly Council (cf. 1 Kings 22:19-22); they actually participated in them.
Indeed, the Lord did nothing without consulting His prophets (Amos 3:7). This
is why the characteristic activity of the Biblical prophet is intercession and
mediation (cf. Gen. 18:16-33; 20:7, the first occurrence of the word prophet in
Scripture). As members of the Council the prophets have freedom of speech with
God, and are able to argue with Him, often persuading Him to change His mind
(cf. Ex. 32:7-14; Amos 7:1-6). They are His friends, and so He speaks openly
with them (Gen. 18:17; Ex. 33:11; 2 Chron. 20:7; Isa. 41:8; John 15:15). As
images of fully redeemed Man, the prophets shared in God's glory, exercising
dominion over the nations (cf. Jer. 1:10; 28:8), having been transfigured
ethically (cf. Isa. 6:5-8) and physically (cf. Ex. 34:29). They thus resembled
the angels of heaven, and so it is not surprising that the term angel (Heb. mal'ak,
Greek angelos) is used to describe the Biblical prophet (cf. 2 Chron. 36:15-16;
Hag. 1:13; Mai. 3:1; Matt. 11:10; 24:31; Luke 7:24; 9:52)” (page 82).
So how do those standing in the office of prophet
function in today’s world?
First of all, prophets are people who regularly engage in
deep intercession and travail for the purposes of God to be fulfilled on the
earth. Whenever a person is in true Spirit-led travail of soul, they are
literally standing in the council of God—participating and pleading with God to
have His way on the earth. A person who has no such deep experience with God
will probably only be able to move in the simple gift of prophecy (1
Corinthians 14:2-4) and not function in the office of prophet for the nation or
Second of all, true prophets take what they hear from God
in the heavenly courts and pray or pronounce the will of God by faith, so that
His will is done and His kingdom comes on earth as it is in heaven (Luke 11:2).
When it is spoken in prayer, they are pronouncing divinely inspired orders from
God that are then transmitted from the throne room to the angelic beings (both
good and bad) who serve as the spiritual archetypes that influence the earth
realm (read Matthew 18:18-19; Ephesians 3:10).
Third, prophets can also be preachers who don’t only come
with prepared sermons based on human wisdom of words but speak a specific word
to the church and/or people that they heard from God in the heavenly courts.
This kind of preaching transforms individuals and congregations because the
force and authority of the Holy Spirit is behind it, and is manifest as a rhema
word (Hebrews 4:11-13).
Fourth, prophets have a deep thirst to be in the presence
of God and meditate on the word of God so they can actually engage God in the scriptures
while God burns His searing hot truth and light into their being! This in turn
enables the prophet to understand how to apply the word of God to the people or
situation he or she is confronting, counseling or speaking into.
Fifth, prophets have an understanding of the times in
which they live (1 Chron. 12:32). Through both natural knowledge (from reading
newspapers, books, and interaction with high-level societal leaders) and
spiritual knowledge (when in prayer or fellowship with God) they are able to
take the natural knowledge they have assimilated and present it with clarity,
divine accuracy and power! Thus prophets not only read the Bible but also keep
up with current events so they can apply the word to contemporary situations.
Sixth, prophets always have a window open to God in their
souls, resulting in them regularly moving in words of knowledge, words of
wisdom, discerning of spirits and prophecy, even when they are not engaged or
totally focused in an act of prayer or in a church service or setting. Thus
they are always in fellowship with the person and presence of God and are able
to hear what He is saying at a moment’s notice, even in the midst of their
mundane, daily activities.
A close friend of mine serves as an extraordinary example
of this. Once while he was walking in an airport terminal, he felt an
impression to give a word of guidance to a total stranger, who was at that
moment praying in his heart for divine guidance. The result of this prophetic
word was confirmation for Pastor Jonathan Cahn to write the New York Times
bestselling book The Harbinger.
I have often operated in this gift, but many times the
person I am speaking to doesn’t know it because my words come in the context of
a regular conversation, yet with significant results. (I can give many examples
of this but do not have space in this article.)
An examination in the gospels shows that Jesus regularly
moved in words of knowledge as part of His evangelistic and prophetic ministry,
to confirm His word to those He was speaking to (read John 4; Mark 2:8-10;
Seventh, prophets do not have to be pastors or preachers,
but can be marketplace leaders who function with a high degree of intimacy with
God and use it in a profound way to engage culture and affect change in the
lives of those they are working with. For example, read the prophet Daniel
chapters 2, 4, 5 and the account of Joseph in Genesis chapters 40 and 41. These
are two men who had secular jobs but utilized their prophetic callings to
transform nations and empires!
Also, my prophetic friend mentioned in the previous point
is not a full-time preacher but an accountant!
Eighth, prophets walk in the royal favor of God. Somehow
they are usually at the right place and the right time! Thus, God is always
providentially opening up doors for them or guiding them, even when they are
not aware of it!
Ninth, prophets are able to divinely interpret the
redemptive reasons for the suffering, pain, and seasons of life that people
experience. They are able to give profound words of advice that can transform a
life, answer a prayer, bring clarity to an enigma, or help a person discover their
purpose, just with a short conversation, prayer or prophetic word. Whole books
of the Bible like Isaiah, Jeremiah and Amos illustrate the power of prophets
who are able to interpret the times and the seasons for the people and nation
they live among.
Tenth, prophets are called to represent God to a people
or nation and bring a covenant lawsuit to them (Micah 3:8). The word witness
was originally a legal term regarding a person that was an aide to a person
bringing a lawsuit, even to the point of being part of the legal process that
involved execution! Thus, prophets who stand in the heavenly council as
witnesses of the Lord not only hear God’s will regarding a people or nation but
can actually be part of the process that brings judgment to that person or
people group.
Biblical examples of this include Elijah in 1 Kings 17:1,
when the prophet declared to King Ahab that Israel would have a drought until
his word released rain; Peter in Acts 5, when he pronounced judgment upon
Ananias and Sapphira for lying; Paul in Acts 13, when he blinded Elymas the
sorcerer for obstructing the gospel; and John in Revelation 1:3, when he bore
witness to the words of Christ that resulted in bringing judgment on false
Israel and the pagan systems of the world that Israel was in cahoots with.
Finally, most importantly, prophets have learned that
those who are friends with politicians and wealthy people are a dime a dozen.
But those who are intimate with God are very few on the earth! The most
important function for a true prophet is to be a friend of God who knows God
and speaks to Him face-to-face as a man speaks to his friend (Deuteronomy
34:10; John 15:15).
By Joseph Mattera
By Joseph Mattera